| ill omen | a group show | CHURCH

exhibition curated by torre alain at solo show online

The dream always starts in a tunnel with an overflow of some liquid between rainwater and gasoline. The difference between the two always seems to be tethered to each other, slowly fading into a zero point, as if it's waiting for me to make up my mind. The moment I sense that I am resisting this threat, the flood starts to catch fire. Smoke is released, then permeates the air surrounding me. The scent of burning gasoline summons a childhood fear of the tunnel and petrichor brought nostalgia and made me think about my previous life. I find out through my own thought, I have been here before. And at this exact moment of realisation, I become convinced more clearly than ever that this is a bad dream from which I have to awake from.

Not long ago, I passed by some horns mired in sand by the shore. The waves would carry water through the core, then leak out from the wounds it sustained from its previous life, as if to express its own grief.

ill omen 2: a group show at CHURCH
with taka kono, halo, claudia dyboski ⁣⁣

installation and photography by Rolf Nowotny